Thursday 27 January 2011

Cheap Monday

Cheap Monday


These are some photos of the Office of the Fashion Label "Cheap Monday". I have chosen this office for week one of Shadow Play because it has a fun element involved, which would make working in this environment a lot more inviting and exciting, in comparison to a regular office, which are usually quite dull and boring.
Eventhough most of the interior is coloured grey, it is anything but dull as the geometric shapes of the buisness meeting rooms add interest and will encorage the employees to feel enthusiastic about the work that they are producing.
I like the contrast of the grey toned rooms, floor, walls and ceiling, to the ducting that has been coloured bright yellow. I also like the fact that usually the ducting and other services of a building will try to be covered up so that the people who use the space never see them. Instead, here, they have turned that on its head and made the ducting the only colour in the building, therefore drawing your eye immediatley to this.
The lighting has been kept to a minimum here, using only a single bulb to add more light to the desk space. The rest of the building looks as though it is very well lit with natural light. This is not only eco-nomical but may also be to do with the design of the office. For example, if they were to put an elaborate light fitting in the space, people may be distracted by this and not see the unusual space that has been created.
The theme of shapes continues in this photograph with the partitions being triangular instead of square or rectangular, as is usual in offices.

I really like the way that the construction of the building cuts through the pyramid-shaped room. It makes the room look even more modern and almost as though they have simply thrown the room together. Other companies may have situated the room in a different area, so as not to clash with the construction work but i think this look works best for this label, especially as it is quite inventive and playful.


These photos show one of the "Cheap Monday" stores. I really like the way in which they have not gone for the traditional stainless steel bar for the clothes to hang on, instead opting for the mesh pyramid-shapes that hangers can rest on. This is a really inventive idea and compliments the brand as well as getting comsumers interested in the shop layout, meaning they are more likely to visit the shop, and then to perhaps buy the products.

Even a product so simple as jeans have been merchandised in such a way that it looks exciting and you are drawn to it overall. I also like that even though this shelving isn't made of mesh like the others are, it still keeps with the modern and unusual theme of the rest of the shop.
This photograph shows the way in which the clothing can be arranged and hung. I also think that not only is this a shelving unit, it is also a mini piece of art, as you would not normally expect things like this to be in a clothing store.

I really like the materials that are used to create the furnishings in this space. For example, this lampshade has a industrial feel that compliments the rest of the room just by the materials that have been used to create it. Lampshades can be seen to be quite feminine in most retail shops, so I'm glad that they have kept to the theme of the shop and have made this seem more masculine.

Fashion Show 

The fashion show displayed below shows that the label is very void of colour, showing only certain pieces that are very bright and vibrant. This is reflected in both their stores and the office, shown above. I think that this creates a sophisticated and minimalist approach that impacts on what sort of customer will buy their clothes. This colour scheme, especially in the office, looks very clean, professional and modern.

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